Macbook Air for pros? M1 Macbook Air vs Intel Macbook Pro

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The new M1 Macbook Air vs the 2020 Intel Macbook Pro. It sounds too good to be true but it looks like the M1 macbook air is better than the intel Macbook pro.

I'm a professional videographer and photographer and I'll be testing the performance in Lightroom and Final Cut on both these macs. Just for fun I compare my 2014 iMac to these laptops too. Some of the results were surprising.

0:00 Intro
4:07 Non-performance differences
6:03 300 picture export Lightroom
9:26 Compile timelapse Final Cut
10:48 Export 4K timeline Final Cut
12:32 Dropped frame test Final Cut
13:40 Battery Life
13:59 Conclusion

My M1 macbook air with 16GB of Ram

My Macbook pro with 10th gen intel 2 GHz processor
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