iPhone SE 2020 Malayalam Review | Don't Buy This In India - WHY 8 IS GR8T NOW!

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iPhone SE 2020 is here - BUT SORRY INDIA THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. Priced at 42500 INR its still a luxury for developing markets such as India, but now all of a sudden iPhone 8 is on spotlight not just because iphone se is derived from iphone 8 but also the price of iphone 8 fall behind iphone se 2020 in India. The first generation iphone se aka iPhone SE 1 / iPhone SE 2016 was priced at 26000 INR, which created a space for people from India and other such developing markets a chance to own a fresh iPhone out of the box.
The current refresh killed that legacy. Its just another iphone which the middle class and average Indian consumer will skip. It would have been a real special story if apple introduced an Indian focused iphone se with A12 or A11 chip but at a considerably lower price point, somewhere around 26k - 30k.
Coming back to iPhone SE 2020 aka iPhone SE 2, its pretty much the same story of iphone 8 with a new chip and dual sim support. That's it! Yeah thats how you see a new iphone. Few upgrades in the camera department and done! I honestly believe designers at apple and getting some free money these days. What exactly are they working on?
iPhone SE = (iPhone 8 - A11) + A13 + eSim
In India the lower spec iphone se (64GB) is priced at $555. Where as the top end iphone se (256GB) in US is priced at $549.
Apple is still not taking developing markets serious, especially India.

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