Can A 2011 iMac Still Do Video Editing in 2020

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Can a 2011 iMac still do video editing in 2020? In this video we show you the video editing and video creation capability of the 2011 21.5" iMac from Apple.

If interested I would recommend getting the following 2011 iMac (27" model) as it's 1440P screen and larger display is much better:

Do you wonder if you can purchase a much older Apple computer and still do video editing? In this video we show you the experience of making a video on a 2011 iMac in 2020 and what these older systems can do. If you are looking for a cheap video editing platform for the near future then watch this video to see how well a 2011 21.5" iMac does with this.

We will cover the test system, explain the test, and then show you the video render time from this Apple iMac. If you only have a few hundred dollars an are looking for a good all-in-one computer from Apple for basic video editing capabilities then watch this video for the verdict. Thank you.
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