Step by step how to build Intel® Wi-Fi & Bluetooth AX201 using Xcode on Hackintosh(full-guide)

162 Просмотры
Hi everyone,

On this opportunity, I want to show you how to build your own Intel® Wi Fi & Bluetooth AX201 using Xcode for all macOS version(High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina and Big Sur)

For details of the step by step full-guide, please watch carefully this video from start to finish.
If there is something you want to ask to, feel free to write the comment and don't forget to subscribe, like and share this video with others.

• Itlwm latest stable version is 1.3.0, link download
• IntelBluetoothFirmware latest stable version is 1.1.3, link download

#OpenIntelWireless #Itlwm #AirportItlwm #IntelBluetoothFirmware #Xcode #Hackintosh #macOS
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