Spiritual Lessons from Quran Chapter 9 Surah Tawba in Muharram Sufi Meditation Center

134 Просмотры
Recorded: 20200820

Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (Q) explains the secret realities of the month of Muharram in the 12 Islamic months. Muharram is the first veil in the journey through 12 veils that are dressing creation, and Surah Tawbah dresses this Holy Month. The Month of Muharram signifies the migration of Prophet ﷺ but for us this signifies the migration from our bad character into the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Shaykh Nurjan also explains the Great sacrafice of Sayyidina Ali (as) and the event of the Cave with Sayyidina Abu Bakr (as).

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