Speed Test iOS 14.2 Beta 1 vs iOS 14 ( iOS 14.2 Public Beta 1 )

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Speed Test iOS 14.2 Beta 1 vs iOS 14

Beta 1 was released September 17th, much later in the day
than usual. While it seems like they are skipping iOS 14.1,
it's more likely that iOS 14.1 is being prepared for the
iPhone 12 devices, and will be release without any beta
versions. We might see a GM version being released to
developers shortly before the public release. So for the
next beta cycle Apple will focus on iOS 14.2, which comes
with an "h" build number release which indicates that this
will also be a long beta cycle. So hopefully they will fix
that horrible HTML5 slowness we are seeing with iOS 14.

iPhone SE 00:00
iPhone 6S 06:32
iPhone 7 12:41
iPhone 8 18:49
iPhone XR 24:40

Music by Niwel (see credits below)

Track 01 : Bad Love
Track 02 : Hurt You Again

Music by Niwel a french music producer.

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFyHDG16mgzMjGVYcuawDxg

Apple Music : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/artist/niwel/1453736184

Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/0cVGrRvml0zvR3G6GoG1TN?si=k0a5NsXCSe20YBz6gfXtXw

TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/NiwelMusic17

INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/iamniwel/

SOUNDCLOUD: @niwel-516897768

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Niwel-Music-261718784171967/

CONTACT: [email protected]
iphone AppStore iPhone 12
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