Speed iOS 13.5.5 Beta 1 vs iOS 13.5.1 (iOS 13.5.5 Public Beta 1)

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Speed iOS 13.5.5 Beta 1 vs iOS 13.5 (iOS 13.5.5 Public Beta 1)

Just a few hours after Apple released iOS 13.5.1 they dropped
the first Beta of iOS 13.5.5. Just like we saw with iOS 13.4.5
Apple has left some room for a critical fix like iOS 13.5.2.
As you know we never saw a public release of iOS 13.4.5, it
went directly to iOS 13.5, so maybe in the same process this
beta will turn in to iOS 13.6 before going public.
There does not seem to be any new features that has been
discoverd so far, so this release seems to be purely bug
fixes, performance and security updates. But it will of
course also need to go through my normal test, to see
if there are any miracles in store for us. Lets test.

Music by Niwel (see credits below)

Track 01 : Met You
Track 02 : Bad Love
Track 02 : Your Love

Niwel is a french music producer. Check out his stuff below.

- YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/channel/UCFyHDG16…ub_confirmation=1

- SPOTIFY: open.spotify.com/artist/0cVGrRvml…XCSe20YBz6gfXtXw

- TWITTER: twitter.com/NiwelMusic17

- INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/iamniwel/

- SOUNDCLOUD: @niwel-516897768

- FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Niwel-Music-261718784171967/

CONTACT: [email protected]

Intro 00:00
iPhone SE 00:12
iPhone 6S 06:26
iPhone 7 12:40
iPhone 8 19:03
iPhone XR 24:56
iPhone 5 обзор
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