iPhone Controls My Life for 24 Hours - Rebecca Zamolo

114 Просмотры
First Rebecca Zamolo created I got a tattoo of my ex. Doing the opposite of what Matt says for 24 hours. Next Matt and Rebecca uploaded surprising Rebecca with worst day by doing the opposite for 24 hours. Finally the Game Master Network made if you stop moving the iPhone is destroyed for 24 hours. Now the iPhone is giving Matt and Rebecca extreme dares to do to each other. It gets extreme when a snake is let into the house to scare Rebecca. Matt has a giant spider called a tarantula that lives on Rebecca's face. Do you think everyone can survive for 24 hours? Maddie might reveal her crush. Matt cuts her hair and she is so upset. Who sent this phone to us and why would it make us do all of these extreme dares? Also, where is Daniel? The reason we are doing this is to save Frankie who is missing now. Do you think we can complete this challenge? Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2021!

The Game Master Network App
Apple Store https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id15195...
Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

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