iPad Pro 2021 vs iPad Air 2020 - Which Apple iPad to buy: M1 Pro or Air 4 with A14? Choose smart

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iPad Pro 2021 vs iPad Air 2020 comparison - Which Apple iPad to buy in 2021 - M1 iPad Pro 5th generation 12.9 inch model (11 inch 3rd gen) or iPad Air 4 with A14? This is not a specs comparison video. See Digital Markings iPad Pro vs MacBook video: https://youtu.be/c6aEZOER3Gg.

New 2021 iPad Pro lineup has been revealed and while some are already certain what they will buy, others may be uncertain. And one of the most common question is "Which I pad should I buy - iPad Pro from 2021 or should I just go for iPad Air 4"? While this video is not made to compare specs by specs, it focuses on individual thing. Hopefully, this video can help. Thank you so much for watching Digital Markings channel.

0:00 Introduction and Black Beard Promo
1:10 How iPad Air 4 has challenged iPad Pro lineup
2:38 How iPad Pro from 2021 changed the game and decision making process
3:20 Where iPad Air 4 fits in and how
4:17 How iPad Pro sneaks in iPad Air territory
5:00 How your use pre-determines your choice
6:10 What I would choose and whats my best option
7:23 Closure and Cyber Ghost VPN

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Photo by Albert Vincent Wu on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/TwPtq2Av79Q
Photo by Alexandar Todov on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/photos/HgUs5r7q_0M

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