How to Add Multiple Photo Widgets on iOS 14

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How to add multiple photo widgets on iOS 14

With iOS 14, you can add photo widgets on your iPhone phone screen. But selecting multiple photo widgets requires another app.

Using an app called Widgetsmith, you can add custom photo widgets to your home screen and you can have multiple custom photo widgets on iOS 14 in various sizes.

You simply assign one picture to each widget size first inside of the Widgetsmith app.

To add the custom widget you just created, press and hold on a blank area of your home screen. You should see the plus sign on top.

Select the plus sign and choose Widgetsmith on the bottom of the list.

Now, you can choose the widget size you want to add. Select and hold on the widget to change what is showing. You can now choose one of the images you added to the Widgetsmith app. Do this with as many custom photo widgets as you like.

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