Everglide Crystal Purple Overview: One of my Favorite Tactile Switches

130 Просмотры
Up Next: If time allows me, either the RK71 Modded or the TM680. Perhaps an extra switch experimentation video.

00:00 - Introduction to the Switch
02:21 - Taking a Look at CPurple/Oreo Bumps
03:44 - SAKA68 Tangent and Built Stream Ideas
04:18 - Loose Switch Sound Tests (Lubed)
05:31 - Setting Up the In-Board Sound Test
06:42 - eGlide Crystal Purple Stock (No Keycap)
07:08 - eGlide Crystal Purple Stock (w/ Keycap)
07:42 - Setting Up Lubed Test + Disclaimer
07:56 - eGlide Crystal Purple Lubed (No Keycap)
08:12 - eGlide Crystal Purple Lubed (w/ Keycap)
08:32 - Back and Forth Comparison
08:41 - Discussing My Other Favorite Tactiles
09:21 - YOK Purple Panda Halo Hybrid Demo
09:32 - This Keyswitch Already Debuted
09:47 - Concluding Thoughts + Outro

Camera: iPhone SE 2020/Nexigo N660P
Microphone: FIFINE K669

Extra Links:
Music: (Below)
► Artist Attribution
Music By: "After The Fall"
Track Name: "Pieces"
● Published by: Chill Out Records
- Source: https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ
Official After The Fall YouTube Channel Below
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Full license here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses

Everything else in regards to me and this channel (alongside my attitude towards it) can be found in my "About" section. Thanks for tuning in.
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