Best Cell Phone Plans and Deals | August 2020

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Best Cheap Plan: Tello Economy for $10/Month. Best Unlimited Plan: Verizon Get More for $90/Month. Best Value Plan: Mint Mobile 3-Month Plan for $20 Month. The best iPhone deal: $5 iPhone XR from AT&T.

Best Deals!!!


Best Cheap Plan: Tello Economy
$10 Month
Unlimited Talk and Text
1GB of data
Free calling to Can/Mex/China
50% off first month
Only sign up if you have good sprint coverage check it on our site
With the T-Mobile merger Tello customers can expect improvements later but right now it’s still only sprint coverage (find this on the Tello site FAQ

Best Unlimited
Verizon Get More - Verizon
$90 with autopay
Goes down to $55/line with 4 lines or $50 with 5. Don’t have a family, grab some friends!
75GB data allotment
30GB dedicated hotspot
Disney + for free
Best/Most coverage in the country
500GB Cloud storage
Best Value
Mint mobile 3-month - T-Mobile
Pay for 3-months upfront ($60)
8GB high-speed data
Unlimited talk/text
Free calling to can/mex
Downside just intro pricing… after 3-months you can still get the $20/month deal but you’ll have to prepay 12-months. Or you have options to prepay i 3 or 6-month increments. (show site cost breakdown)

This is where i’m changing things up a little bit. Normally the video would be over now but i’m going to add the best DEALS of the month to this video… Now deals can change quickly so by the end of the month some of these deals might not exist anymore, but i’ll have links in the description where you can check. The first deal revolves around plans… the other two deals revolve around cell phones.

The first deal is from T-Mobile

T-Mobile 4 for $25 with $450 prepaid card
Saving $5/line/month with this deal. Normally $30 or $120 now $25 or $100. In total $20 in savings.
T-Mobile essentials
Unlimited data
Slows during congestion and slows more during congestion after 50GB
Unlimited talk/text
(2G data in can/mex with unlimited talk/text)
SD Streaming (480)
Unlimited 3G hotspot
Cheapest if you bring your own phone but you can buy one outright or get a phone on an installment plan but that will make your monthly cost go up.
5G access with capable phone
Learn more about essentials in the top right hand corner
Switch to T-Mobile from AT&T or Verizon, Bring your own phone and get up to a $450 prepaid card to help pay off your phone. So what you’ll do is make sure your device qualifies on T-Mobile’s website, screen shot your current payments (you’ll need it when you submit for the deal) fully pay off your device with your current carrier, unlock your phone from you carrier (learn how to do that here), switch to t-mobile and submit a request online for the rebate! When you switch you’ll get up to $450 and you’ll keep your phone. Sometimes with deals like this you’ll have to buy another phone… not this time!

AT&T iPhone XR $5/month
Get the 64GB iPhone XR for $5/month from AT&T
How do you get this deal?? FIRST you have to be a new customer (or adding a new line), Buy the iPhone XR on a 30-month installment plan WHILE on a qualifying unlimited plan. Unlimited EXTRA STARTER or ELITE.
Saving $450 or $15/month over 30-months
PLUS get a $150 Visa rewards card when you switch. That’s $600 in savings just by switching to AT&T.

Which do you like more??? Monthly Plans or Monthly deals or do like this combination?? What kind of deals do you want me to highlight…. Plans or phones??? Let me know in the comments i’m sherri riggs you’re watching whistleout tv.
iPhone 2G обзор
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