Why I Still Have The iPhone 2G in 2020

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In this video I want to talk about why the first original iPhone 2G still inspires me.
In 2007 Steve Jobs presented the phone that would change the world.
Today it doesn't seem like much, but the promise of a bright future, I still see it in the original iPhone.

Here is the Steve Jobs iPhone 2007 presentation → https://youtu.be/vN4U5FqrOdQ
Steve Ballmer didn't think much of iPhone → https://youtu.be/eywi0h_Y5_U

I'm not saying why you should get the iphone 2g in 2020. BUT I think this:
Throught the entire history of the iphone, the first iphone 2g still has something better than the iphone 11 pro in 2020. It was a real game changer. and actually still reminds me that you can turn any ordinary object into extraordinary. its the magic of iphone. The value of the iphone 2g is huge, but for me it more personal. When you see Steve Jobs talk about it, using ios 1, Apple made a smartphone of smartphones. I never got the iphone 2g when it was released. So i never really did a iphone 2g unboxing. And I never tested the iphone 2g camera when it was released. But using it in 2020 feels odd and inspiring. By the way, I have everything in the box, except the original charger. kind of like todays iphone 12 rumors about not including a charger.

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