What's on my iPad Pro 2020 & Review | Productivity ✏️+ Creativity

176 Просмотры
Hi guys! Sharing this video with you because the iPad Pro is life changing! It is the perfect device for video editing and studying/taking notes for school, among many other things. I loveee being creative so much and this has really helped me grow! In this video I review the ipad and I give you a look at what apps I use for things like video editing, thumbnails, photo editing, animation (handwriting on videos), as well as what apps i use for increasing my productivity for school and Youtube!

Product Description:
2020 iPad Pro
12.9 inch
512 GB
Slate Grey
+ apple pencil

0:38 review
1:00 engraving
6:06 what's on my ipad pro

I hope you enjoy! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to spend it with me!
iPad Pro 12.9
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