WHAT'S ON MY 2020 MACBOOK PRO I how I customized it and use it in daily life

129 Просмотры
FINALLY figured I should upload my what's on my MacBook since getting my new one. I had time to sit down and film it this week, so here we are!

I hope you guys like the video!

Laptop case: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B8KZ5X6?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_dt_b_product_details

While my videos are a great introduction to my life, you can always learn more about me on my social media:
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Tags: vlog,ball state,ball state university,emily harless,college,university,lifestyle,vlogger,2021,week,vlogging,summer,indianapolis,macbook organization,macbook customization,how to customize macbook,whats on my macbook pro,whats on my macbook,whats on my macbook air,whats on my laptop 2021,2020 macbook,2020 macbook pro,tech,technology,apple,apple event 2021,apple products unboxing,apple products 2021,apple products collection,apple products review
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