91 Просмотры
RZ Twin is defeated in death. It all started when Rebecca Zamolo created "GIANT CHRISTMAS in SUMMER MASQUERADE BALL." Next Matt and Rebecca made "DON'T CUT THE WRONG WIRE or our HOUSE WILL EXPLODE for the First Time." Finally the Game Master Network uploaded "MY BEST FRIEND IS BURIED ALIVE." Now in order to save RZ twin we have to choose the right box. If we don't she might be defeated forever. Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2021.

Game Master Network APP
https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-game-master-network/id1519507088 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gamemasters.dev.rebeccasrun&hl=en_US

Get Our Book - http://bit.ly/TGMSummerSchooled​​

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Apple Watch
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