Virtual Biohacking Conference 2020 - Everything I learned

145 Просмотры
Good Morning Everyone, it's Nicholas Dettinger back on Awakendgainz after being a part of the 2020 Virtual Biohacking conference. It has been so long since a video was uploaded and I do apologize for that, this production was unreal.

The entire time I was at the conference I was learning and growing, and I wanted to put literally every since thing I learned from every speaker in one of my full quality videos. This video is a thank you to everyone who has ever supported me, here ya go a full year's worth of knowledge from the health and fitness Biohacking community!

Biohacking conference link -

ME - Stands for Main Event BS - Breakout Session

Time Stamps for the video
Welcome to the Conference 00:00
The Cost 00:49
What do you get at the Conference 02:00
Main Event 1 @Dave Asprey 05:11
ME 2 @Jay Shetty 0:9:48
ME 3 @Wim Hof 11:35
ME 4 Immunity Panel 13:53
ME 5 @Agapi Stassinopoulos 17:43
ME 6 @Maria Shriver 18:47
ME 7 Neil Strauss 20:34
ME 8 @Mark Hyman, MD 22:29
ME 9 @Gabby Bernstein 25:58
ME 10 Hacking Air 28:00
ME 11 @Lisa Nichols 29:10
Breakout Session 1 32:48
BS 3 Susy Baitz 34:46
BS 4 Dr. Molly Maloof 39:00
BS 5 @Roger Love 42:32
BS 6 @Dr. Heather 45:09
BS 7 Dr. Mark Atkinson 49:35
BS 8 @Tim Gray 52:56
BS 9 Wade Lightheart 56:23
BS 10 @Gustaf Kranck 01:02:23
BS 11 @Jay Abraham 01:06:54
BS 12 @Dr Joan Rosenberg 01:14:03
BS 13 @Dr. Patrick Porter 01:17:41
BS 14 @Dave Asprey 01:23:29
Was the Virtal Biohacking Conference Worth it 01:29:31

All Languages this video is available in
German - Virtuelle Biohacking-Konferenz 2020 - Alles, was ich gelernt habe
French - Conférence virtuelle sur le biohacking 2020 - Tout ce que j'ai appris
Spanish - Conferencia Virtual Biohacking 2020 - Todo lo que aprendí
Portuguese - Conferência Virtual Biohacking 2020 - Tudo o que aprendi
Italian - Virtual Biohacking Conference 2020 - Tutto quello che ho imparato
Dutch - Virtual Biohacking Conference 2020 - Alles wat ik heb geleerd
Polish - Virtual Biohacking Conference 2020 - Wszystko, czego się nauczyłem
Russian - Виртуальная конференция по биохакингу 2020 - все, что я узнал
Japanese - Virtual Biohacking Conference2020-私が学んだことすべて
Chinease - 2020年虚拟生物黑客大会-我学到的一切
Hindi - वर्चुअल बायोहाकिंग सम्मेलन 2020 - सब कुछ जो मैंने सीखा
Irish - Comhdháil Fhíorúil Biohacking 2020 - Gach rud a d’fhoghlaim mé
Arabic - مؤتمر الاختراق البيولوجي الافتراضي 2020 - كل ما تعلمته

-------- ( My production PC ) thanks for reading this far! ---------
My Video Editing Laptop -
My 4k Camera -

Thanks to pixels or pixabay for any commercial use images or videos in this production

Music in the video intro
intro - Full Power by ZAYFALL

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

Free Download / Stream:

Music promoted by Audio Library

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