unboxing my new iphone 12 pro max ☁️✨ setup + comparison to the iphone xs max!

36 Просмотры
W E L C O M E back or welcome to my channel! ♡ thank you so much for stopping by, i hope you choose to stay awhile ♡

w h a t ' s t h i s v i d e o a b o u t? - unboxing my new iphone 12 pro max ☁️✨ setup + comparison to the iphone xs max! ♡

♡ T H A N K Y O U so much for clicking on my video! I love creating lifestyle videos because they really help me break out of my shell & introduce me to so many wonderful people. I also just love documenting my life with my friends, family & furbabies ♡

I post N E W V I D E O S every week so let's be friends! S U B S C R I B E & tag along with me!

E T S Y S H O P: https://etsy.me/3mLxYqk

D E P O P: https://www.depop.com/alexaraye/

m u s i c ~ u s e d

s u b s c r i b e - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ4F3EsMk9yRcqBkXd8Dhdg?view_as=subscriber
i n s t a g r a m - https://www.instagram.com/alexaamoia/
v s c o - https://vsco.co/xalexarayex/gallery

B U S I N E S S inquires: [email protected]

f a q s
★ what camera do you use? Canon M50
★ what do you use to edit? Final Cut Pro X
★ where do you live? New York

I love and appreciate you all so, so much! ♡ See you in my next video! ♡

Sub Count: 2,490
iphone AppStore iPhone 12
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