UNBOXING - Apple iPhone 12 PRO MAX & iPAD PRO 12.9 4th GEN 1TB

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Hey Dollers!!!!!! I’m back with another video. Watch as I unbox my the IPHONE 12 PRO MAX 512gb GOLD and IPAD PRO 12.9 4th GEN 1TB

I decided I needed another iPad for business purposes.

The SKS Payday Budget Book became a reality when I decided i was tired of altering other budget workbooks to suit my needs. The concept is the same but I needed everything to make sense in a simple way. let me know your thoughts and what you would like to see in your budget setup.

See how I turned my Louis Vuitton Zippy Organizer Wallet, Louis Vuitton Agenda GM, and (2) Two Louis Vuitton Agenda MM’s into my cash envelope system!

I have been using the paycheck to paycheck budget for months now. I am beginning my journey to paying down debt and saving LOTS and LOTS of GOALS!!! Yes my sinking funds are short-term and long-term GOALS!

The cash envelopes I am using were created by me!!!!

Check out my
iphone AppStore iPhone 12
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