Unbiased Pixel 4a vs iPhone SE Camera Comparison: BLIND!

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Vadim has NO IDEA which smartphone took each photo, so this camera comparison is completely UNBIASED! Let's see which phone he chose the most!
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Google JUST released their Pixel 4a budget smartphone for only $349! It packs a single camera and an edge-to-edge display which definitely looks more modern than the iPhone SE!

The only downside is that the processor isn't very powerful, but this video is all about the cameras!

Vadim has no idea which photo was taken with which phone, so let's see how many times he chose the Pixel photo over the iPhone photo.

This will be interested because Vadim has an iPhone 11 Pro and he definitely prefers his iPhone photos.

Apple's iPhone SE features the same design as the iPhone 8, but with a new A13 chip and new camera software.

Let's see which 2020 budget smartphone wins!

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