Ultimate iPhone Hidden Features in 2021

122 Просмотры
The Ultimate iPhone Hidden Features you’ll get to know in 2021, with the latest iOS 14 update, secret tips and tricks have become really popular, but what about the hidden features that no-one talks about?, like making a PDF from images without a third party app or Unlocking iPhone using Voice Command.

#iphonehiddenfeatures #ios14hiddenfeatures #iphonetricks2021

IOS 14 Features

Siri Shortcuts

Mac OS Features

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Instagram- applevibes_53
Twitter- @taj_mufaddal

Time Stamps :
0:00 Intro
0:21 #1 Hidden Feature
0:47 #2 Hidden Feature
1:56 #3 Hidden Feature
2:35 #4 Hidden Feature
3:06 #5 Hidden Feature
3:33 #6 Hidden Feature
4:07 #7 Hidden Feature
4:59 #8 Hidden Feature
5:27 #9 Hidden Feature
6:10 #10 Hidden Feature
6:40 #11 Hidden Feature
6:56 #12 Hidden Feature
7:29 #13 Hidden Feature
7:58 #14 Hidden Feature
8:15 #15 Hidden Feature
8:38 #16 Hidden Feature
9:17 End

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