Things to know before buying a used iPhone #shorts

59 Просмотры
Check this before buying a used iPhone!
A- Canada
AB- Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE
B-Ireland, UK
BG- Bulgaria
BR- Brazil
BZ- Brazil
C- Canada
CH- China
CI- Paraguay
CM- Croatia, Hungary
CR- Croatia
CS- Czech Republic, Slovakia
CN- Slovakia
CZ- Czech Republic
D, DM- Germany
DN- Austria, Germany, Netherlands
E- Mexico
EE- Estonia
EL- Estonia, Latvia
ER- Ireland
ET- Estonia
F0 France
FB- France, Luxembourg
FD- Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland
FS- Finland
GB- Greece
GH- Hungary
GP- Portugal
GR- Greece
HB- Israel
HC- Hungary, Bulgaria
IN- India
IP- Italy
J, JP- Japan
IP- Italy, Portugal
ID- Indonesia
K- Sweden
KH-China, South Korea
KN- Denmark, Norway
KS- Finland, Sweden
LA- Barbados, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico
LE- Argentina
LL- United States
LP- Poland
LT- Lithuania
LV- Latvia
LZ- Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay
MG- Hungary
MM- Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro
MY- Malaysia
ND- Netherlands
NF- Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Portugal
Pk- Poland, Finland
PL, PM- Poland
PO- Portugal
PP- Republic of the Philippines
PY- Spain
QB- Russia
QN- Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
QL- Italy, Portugal, Spain
RO- Romania
RP- Russia
RR- Moldova, Russia
RS, RU- Russia
RM- Kazakhstan, Russia
RK- Kazakhstan
SE- Serbia
SL- Slovakia
SO- South Africa
SU- Ukraine
To Italy
TA- Taiwan
TH- Thailand
TU- Turkey
TY- Italy
VN- Vietnam
Xi Australia, New Zealand
Ya Spain
ZA- Singapore
ZD- Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Switzerland
ZG- Denmark
ZP- Hong Kong, Macau
ZQ- Jamaica
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