The FIRST LEGIT WELCOME PHONE is this SMALL iPhone XS Clone! (Soyes XS) - Review & Teardown

155 Просмотры
Timestamps are integrated into the video now showing each segment dedicated to this device.
I wanted to make sure I went as in depth as I could with this device and I hope I have achieved that.
Thus the reason why this video goes on for so long.
If I missed anything, let me know.

Hey all and welcome back to another video.
This is just a phone review, but I also talk about the iWish series being continued as something else.

But this small phone was purchased off Facebook Marketplace and I have really wanted to take a look at a newer one for a while now. I have reviewed 2 others but those videos are terrible.
Mrwhosetheboss made a video on small tech and I know it may seem like I am using his idea but I haven't - I have been looking at getting one to review on the channel for quite a while now.

This is titled - the first legit Welcome phone. Because that is exactly what it is. This is sold on Wish, eBay, AliExpress, Banggood - you name it, it's everywhere.
Made by SOYES...or So YES or SUHHYeS - no idea, it's under $150 AUD (depending on where you get it), the specs seem reasonable and well, it's a super small iPhone XS clone. But is it worth it though?

Grab a cold drink and maybe a snack or two and watch as I go in-depth with the SOYES XS for 58 minutes.

CPU Spec Apps:
The one that usually shows everything:
CPU System Info:
Device Info HW:
Device Specs:

Download the stuff extracted from the phone here (Be warned, I don't know what lurks in the system files):

Introduction & iWish Info: 0:00
The Listings: 2:30
Looking around the device: 10:10
Powering it up: 13:06
The Stock Apps, UI & Wallpapers: 14:16
Settings - Networks, Testing 4G & Call Quality: 16:59
Settings - Display, Sounds, Storage & Battery: 20:04
Settings - App List, Security & Face Unlock: 21:28
Settings - The Other Settings & About Phone: 23:22
Connecting to WiFi, trying Updates & Keyboard: 24:39
Clock & Opening Camera: 26:22
Camera Test: 27:25
The Camera Quality: 30:31
Network Issues, Battery Info & Other Apps: 31:32
Browser Test: 32:33
Speaker Test: 34:36
Play Store & Installing Apps: 35:29
YouTube Test: 36:47
Running MalwareBytes: 38:08
Gaming Test: 40:06
Checking out the specs: 45:20
Conclusion: 48:21
Teardown: 50:03
Did it survive & Spec List: 54:50
Bit of rambling, files, apps, future content: 56:03
Thank you & Outro: 57:46

Be good people alright!
iPhone XS (MAX) обзор
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