A 32-inch 4K OLED monitor that's got a built-in colorimeter - takes all the work out of manually calibrating displays!
Product page: https://my.asus.click/PA32DC
Official stores
ASUS Lazada Flagship Store: https://my.asus.click/LazadaStore
ASUS Shopee Flagship Store: https://my.asus.click/ShopeeStore
I use Epidemic Sound for my music, sign up for a free trial here:
A very special thanks to my Patrons for supporting the channel!
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Gear I use to film my YouTube videos:
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Product page: https://my.asus.click/PA32DC
Official stores
ASUS Lazada Flagship Store: https://my.asus.click/LazadaStore
ASUS Shopee Flagship Store: https://my.asus.click/ShopeeStore
I use Epidemic Sound for my music, sign up for a free trial here:
A very special thanks to my Patrons for supporting the channel!
Follow me on Instagram!
Gear I use to film my YouTube videos:
Support me on Patreon!
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- iPad
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