Share Screen Between Android To iPhone

144 Просмотры
Want to share screen between android (Samsung Note 8,9,10, 10 Plus) to iPhone (iPhone X, XS, XR, XS Max)? In this video we will show you step by step process to share Android screen to iPhone.

If you want to see your Android Phone on your iPhone, There is a very quick and easy way to do that. Let's check out how you can broadcast Samsung Galaxy Note 8 or Note 9 screen on iPhone XS.

Step-1: Open Play Store in Samsung Note 8 or 9
Step-2: Search and install Teamviewer Quickstart’ on it
Step-3: Open the app
Step-4: Tap 'Next' then 'Done'
Step-5: You will get your ID here
Step-6: Open 'App Store' in iPhone XS
Step-7: Search and install TeamViewer Remote control’ on it
Step-8: Open the App
Step-9: Tap 'Next' twice then 'Done'
Step-10: Now enter the ID from Samsung Phone in the iPhone
Step-11: Tap ‘Remote Control’
Step-12: You will get a pop up window in the Samsung Phone Tap ‘Allow'
Step-13: It will ask you to download ‘Add-on: Samsung’
Step-14: Install it
Step-15: Now the Screen share will Start and iPhone’s screen will mirror Samsung phone
Step-16: When you are done swipe down the Notification center
Step-17: Tap 'TeamViewer'
Step-18: Tap on the 'Cross' on Top
Step-19: Tap 'Close'
And the screen sharing will be stopped

So guys, this is the way you can Screen Share Samsung Galaxy Note 8 or Note 9 to iPhone XS. You can also use this way to transfer screen from other Android phones to any iPhone.

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