Search Answer to any Computer Issue

120 Просмотры
You can find answers to most questions on Google or other search engines. This video demonstrates my attempt to find the answer to a question made in the comments section of one of my other videos. You could say I failed to find the answer in this video however I say I successfully found out that what I wanted to find does not exist which in itself is an answer.

If you leave a comment below be aware that I like to respond to questions in video form. If you don't want me to show your comment or your YouTube name just include "Privacy Please" in your comment. I still may make a video to respond to your question just without naming you or displaying the comment on screen if you include the words "Privacy Please".

If you would like to request a free computer support session with me send an email to [email protected]. Briefly tell me what you want help with and I will reply to make arrangements. The sessions are free in exchange for letting me publish the session(s) on YouTube.
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