[RPCS3-v0.0.13] Thread Scaling Performance Test | i7-8700k

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Please take an important note all tests were ran at 4.8GHz and with TSX-FA!
The 2c/4t is a very unrealistic scenario, the video is mainly focused on how well each thread setting is scaled. Mitigations are also disabled.
The Audio in the video only comes from the 6c/12t, read below for more info.

I also forgot the existence of "lower spu thread priority" setting, there might be a chance some games could had slightly better performance w/ 2c4t or 4c/4t

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Specific Version used: RPCS3 v0.0.13-11342-d1e78374 Alpha

0:00 - Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F
0:30 - Yakuza Kenzan
1:00 - Persona 5
1:20 - Skate 3
2:20 - Yakuza 5
2:50 - Yakuza Ishin
3:42 - Red Dead Redemption
4:52 - Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
6:02 - The Last of Us
6:42 - Uncharted 2
7:42 - Gran Turismo 5 (Illusion build)
8:57 - Infamous 2 Demo

- Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F
60 fps patch was used.
Settings - https://imgur.com/a/uLKaML0

- Yakuza Kenzan
60 fps unfinished patch was used, can be found at https://wiki.rpcs3.net/index.php?title=Yakuza_Kenzan!
Settings - https://imgur.com/a/wPC87t5

- Persona 5
Patches used: 60 FPS, Disable Blur Filter
Settings - https://imgur.com/a/4bLufEo
2c4t - Has some Audio stuttering. Preferred SPU Threads set to 1
4c4t - Has some Audio stuttering. Preferred SPU Threads set to 2 (1 has better perf but really bad audio)

- Skate 3
Settings - https://imgur.com/a/2trRvS1
2c4t & 4c4t - BAD AUDIO. Enable SPU Loop detection. Preferred SPU Threads set to 2. Limited both to 60fps

- Yakuza 5
MLAA Patch used
Settings - https://imgur.com/a/hrfJ3Dr
2c4t & 4c4t - BAD AUDIO. Preferred SPU Threads set to 1. Driver Recovery Timeout set to 1000 to avoid 1fps lock

- Yakuza Ishin
MLAA Patch used
Settings - https://imgur.com/a/j592DaU
2c4t & 4c4t - BAD AUDIO. Preferred SPU Threads set to 1. Driver Recovery Timeout set to 1000 to avoid 1fps lock

- Red Dead Redemption
Settings - https://imgur.com/a/9P7XYZB
2c4t & 4c4t - Preferred SPU Threads set to 1. The game kept crashing, it was too annoying to get ingame and any more footage. TSX-FA seems to be the culprit for these crashes, sorry for not re-recording without TSX

- Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Settings - https://imgur.com/a/kAyQg1J

- The Last of Us
Patches used: Bloom Low, Depth border fix, Depth buffer, Depth buffer viewport, Disable Depth of Field, DIsable in-built MLAA, Disable Mesh trimming, Disable Motion Blur, Disable SPU Lighting, Disable SSAO, Speedboost
Settings - https://imgur.com/a/2mfUAAJ
2c4t & 4c4t - OK AUDIO. Enable SPU Loop detection. Preferred SPU Threads set to 1

- Uncharted 2
Seems to have hit a GPU bottleneck, my bad.
Patches used: 60 FPS, Disable Mesh Trimming, Disable SPU Post-processing
Settings - https://imgur.com/a/wtgFhrN
2c4t & 4c4t - OK AUDIO. Enable SPU Loop detection. Preferred SPU Threads set to 1

- Real Desync Simulator 5 / Gran Turismo 5 (Illusion build)
Illusion build RPCS3 v0.0.13-11344-bafb3895 Alpha
Git: https://github.com/illusion0001/rpcs3/commits/bafb3895d4
Linux (gcc): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q859nlQocy0926f7z11uV8aV1sHfi5C1
Windows: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q6yf5yxb8BsPFBsAs5isGEuWTkmRyQ4y

Latest at: https://dev.azure.com/illusion9804/rpcs3/_build/latest?definitionId=3&branchName=mgs4-new
Settings - https://imgur.com/a/dH9H4vl
2c4t & 4c4t - BAD AUDIO

- Infamous 2 Demo
I kept upscaling at 100% as it doesn't scale well with this game
Settings - https://imgur.com/a/1L6Cp4u
2c4t & 4c4t - Preferred SPU Threads set to 1

OS: Windows 10
CPU: Intel Core i7-8700k @4.8GHz
GPU: RTX 3080 MSI Ventus 3G
Ram: 48GB DDR4 3100MHz

CPU-Z: https://i.imgur.com/6KmDVGE.png

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MsDarkLow
Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MsDarkLow
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