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Disclaimer: Investment in securities market are subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing. Please read the Risk Disclosure Documents carefully before investing in Equity Shares, Derivatives, Mutual fund, and/or other instruments traded on the Stock Exchanges. NextBillion Technology Private Limited (NBT) is a member of NSE & BSE with SEBI Registration no: INZ000208032, Depository Participant of CDSL Depository with SEBI Registration no: IN-DP-417-2019 and Mutual Fund Distributor with AMFI Registration No: ARN-111686. Registered office: 1A, 206, Caldra, Divyasree Elan, Sarjapur Road Bangalore – 560035. Correspondence office: No 11, 80 feet Road, ST Bed, Koramangala 4th Block, Bangalore - 560034. For compliance pertaining to securities broking please write to [email protected] for DP related to [email protected]. Please ensure you carefully read the Risk Disclosure Document as prescribed by SEBI.

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