New Jailbreak unc0ver İOS 11 + 13.5 available All Devices

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New Jailbreak unc0ver İOS 11 + 13.5 available All Devices
The most advanced jail​break tool.
iOS 11.0 - 13.5
About unc0ver
unc0ver is a jail​break, which means that you can have the freedom to do whatever you would like to do to your iOS device. Allowing you to change what you want and operate within your purview, unc0ver unlocks the true power of your iDevice.

unc0ver supports iOS 11.0 through to iOS 13.5 (Excluding 12.3-12.3.2 and 12.4.2-12.4.5)

Extensively Tested
Unc0ver has been extensively tested to ensure it's a seamless experience on all devices. Unc0ver works on all devices on iOS versions between 11.0 and 13.5. Below you can find a list of all devices that have been specifically tested.
iPhone 11 Pro Max 13.5
iPhone 11 Pro Max 13.3
iPhone 11 Pro 13.5
iPhone 11 13.5
iPhone 11 13.3.1
iPhone 11 13.3
iPhone 11 13.2 Beta 1
iPhone 11 13.2.2
iPhone XS Max 13.5
iPhone XS Max 13.3
iPhone XS Max 13.1 Beta 2
iPhone XS Max 12.4
iPhone XS 13.5
iPhone XS 12.4
iPhone XR 13.3
iPhone XR 12.2
iPhone X 13.5
iPhone X 13.4.1
iPhone X 12.0
iPhone SE (2020) 13.5
iPhone SE 12.1.1
iPhone SE 11.2.1
iPhone 8 Plus 13.5
iPhone 8 Plus 13.2.2
iPhone 8 Plus 12.3.2
iPhone 8 Plus 13.3.1
iPhone 8 13.5
iPhone 7 13.5
iPhone 7 13.1 Beta 1
iPhone 7 13.0 Beta 1
iPhone 7 12.0
iPhone 7 11.4
iPhone 7 11.0
iPhone 6S 12.4.1
iPod Touch 13.0 Beta 1
iPad 7th Gen 13.2
iPad Mini 5 13.4
What's New:

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