My iPhone 12 Pro Battery is CRAZY! (2 weeks + iOS 14.2)

137 Просмотры
I received my iPhone 12 Pro on Oct 23rd and have been using the phone daily ever since. The Cameras are AWESOME the display is beautiful the phone is snappy and very easy to use but the battery.... is CRAZY

Reddit Post:


iPhone 12 Pro Battery Notes (part 2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Took the phone off the charger at 10:43am

11:48am was waiting in the car for lena for 10 minutes to go to the super market made a few videos went on instagram and posted a video to instagram still at 100%

Checking comments and likes on Instagram 12:54pm 98%

1:06pm did some light tethering/wifi hotspot to my macbook to find a logo for my vlog because I wasn’t home 97%

Random phone check 1:46pm 96% (all these notes so far have been taken on the iPhone 12 Pro)

1:49pm currently using nothing but phone so i expect a big hit 95% as of now

1:55pm random check 94%

2:09pm just finished watching a 1440p youtube video now i’m at 91%

2:23pm just watched a 10 minute 30 second video on YouTube at 1440p now I am at 88% going back to my MacBook now to finish a vlog will update later

3:06pm checked a YT Studio notification phone is at 87%

4pm checked instagram and a few text messages/replied to text messages and had a 5 minute FaceTime call on wifi 84% (still editing the vlog its taking forever)

4:25pm sent a few text messages besides that phone hasn’t been used 83%

4:38pm waiting for vlog to export so checked instagram for a bit phone is now at 82%

phone dropped another 1% while using it time is now 4:41pm 81%

5pm recorded a 20 second video of a taco being cooked phone is at 80% with 1 hour 22 minutes of Screen On Time

5:22pm took a few pics and videos of some tacos my wife made now my phone is at 76%

wife used my phone to put something on instagram phone at 5:36pm has 74% I am now going to be using only my phone kids are using TV to play video games and I finished uploading the vlog (still need to make a thumbnail tho)

watching some YouTube at 1080p/1440p and checking out new posts on instagram here and there time is now 6:10pm I am at 66%

6:40pm been using the phone for a while now lot of random YouTuber vlogs (shot with iPhone 12 Pro) and instagram usage now at 60% (with 2 Hours 44 Minutes of SoT

8:55pm used the phone a bunch not even sure what I did in the pass 2ish hours to be honest but it wasn’t gaming or anything intensive phone is now at 42%

the time is now 10:43pm phone has 34%

11:57pm phone has 30%

went to sleep and got up for no reason at 5am phone has 29% 6:07am phone is at 21% gonna put it on the charger now and try to go back to sleep I think this was enough testing for my brain :)

Final SOT 5 Hours 19 minutes with 20% battery left


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