My iPhone 12 Pro Battery is AMAZING (First Week)

101 Просмотры
I received my iPhone 12 Pro on Oct 23rd and have been using the phone daily ever since. The Cameras are AWESOME the display is beautiful the phone is snappy and very easy to use but the battery.... is awesome!? What???

Reddit Post:

iPhone 12 Pro Battery Notes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Took the phone off the charger at 12:23pm

Watched an 8 Minute 30 Second video on YouTube at 1080p

Went on instagram for under 1 minute (said I was all caught up)

12:51pm watching tv for now I’ll update this again when I pick up the phone

1:30pm phone still has 100% after checking the time and notifications

1 Minute phone call

99% at 2:27pm

6 Minute YouTube Video and reddit post checking 2:34pm 97% (LTE - Verizon)

Had a few under 1 minute phone calls from family members just checking up on each other

Random Text Messages from stores I shop at and checked an instagram comment 3:14pm 96%

I haven’t really used the phone that much today as I normally would, most of this note was taken on my MacBook Pro, I would call this usage VERY conservative compared to how I normally use my phones (iPhone 11 Pro and prior phones)

haven’t touched the phone since 3:14pm it is now 3:34pm and I checked it randomly it now shows 95%

1 minute of Instagram still at 95% 3:43pm

4:07pm phone is at 94% haven’t touched it since 3:43pm, now using it for a few seconds to edit cameras settings I saw on YouTube

4:29pm random lock screen battery check 93%

Replied to a Comment from YouTube using the YT Studio App (couldn’t take longer then 45 seconds) app has 92% at 4:56pm

Random battery check at 5:20pm 91%

checked the youtube and instagram feeds for around 5 minutes 6pm 89% + replied to a reddit comment using the reddit website on safari

6:49pm random lock screen battery check 88%

watched a 12 minute YouTube video battery is at 85% at 7:18pm

Heard Music for about 18 minutes (mostly wired using beats with lightening connector a few thru the phones speakers) 7:50pm I have 80%

8:10pm streamed some music over bluetooth to an AUX adapter (my truck don’t have blue tooth) forgot to put down got distracted
iphone AppStore iPhone 12
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