mi10t Vs iPhone 8 plus || 1v1 room || 90fps Vs 60fps || iOS Vs Android || which device is better ✅

141 Просмотры



∆ CLAN : X3_Esports✓
∆ IGN : X3『VムMPIRE』✓
∆ PLAYER ID : 5339435466✓
∆ KD : 6+ (YOU CAN CHECK)✓
∆ DEVICE : MI10T (8-128) ✓
∆ VARIENT : 8-128GB ✓
∆ SETTING : 1080P - 30MBPS ✓
∆ EXPORT : 1080P-29.77-MBPS ✓

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iPhone XS (MAX) обзор
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