Make my windows font look like mac lego piece finder app

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Make my windows font look like mac lego piece finder app
The answer is simple If you know what youre doing and have a good sense in tech — Go with Windows or Ubuntu If you have no idea what youre doing and just wanna watch YouTube — Still go with Windows or Ubuntu. Apples unofficial motto has always been Make it look pretty and shoot the price through the roof — Non tech people will be too busy emptying their wallets to realize the utter lack of functionality. Apple has a lot of impression. They know how to make an attractive product. They are EXTREMELY smart with their marketing and their reputation. Their products seem great — at first. They impress with a lot of promises and little follow up. Apple is a master of discrete planned obsolescence. They build their products to break, and they build their products to be expensive to repair. I will not lie, Mac OS seems to be decent, but it lacks the core customizability that comes with Ubuntu and Windows. The difference is, when you buy a Mac, youre really buying their computer. They tell you what you can do, what you cant. They tell you what you can change and what you cant. You cant upgrade your hardware, but you can pay $99 /mo for their subscriptions. Blocked out or everything. You are their user and the operating system forces that mindset on you. Once it breaks, you cant fix it. You cant order your own parts, and do your own repairs. When the battery goes bad after a year or two, instead of buying a $20 replacement, youll have to spend $399 taking it to the Apple store. Want more RAM? Want more storage? Too bad. Not on Apples computer. When you buy a Windows PC, or any PC that has standard hardware it is your computer. You are the administrator. You can change what you want, customize what you want, and upgrade what you want. Its yours. You can build it from scratch. You can put whatever size SSD, RAM, processor, OS, battery, drive readers, ect. on it. With hundreds of thousands of models, The PC platform has the strength of diversity. Upgrade your hardware any time you like, with whatever you like, for much cheaper. Windows is great. Windows isnt buggy Ive never had problems with it that werent related to old HDD issues. Ive used Windows heavily on plenty of computers without ever experiencing a blue screen. The reality is, it just doesnt do that if youre not being stupid. Use common sense and it will never fail you. Windows is all inclusive — its has the most software support and the be user interface. Its not oversimplified like Mac, but its not super complicated unless you want it to be. Want it to open Program X,Y,Z when it boots, shut down, or reaches a certain time of day? Preloaded programs like the Task Scheduler combined with VBScript make it effortless. Windows is for the most part whatever you want it to be. Obviously there are some major exclusions to that — Microsoft still keeps you out of a lot, but you still have the Registry. Personally, the be combo is to dual boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu. Ubuntu is better than Windows for programming, it really does let the operating system become whatever you want it to be. Be part Ubuntu is completely free. No Apple cash grabs. But, obviously not everyone is interted in programming or using a terminal for everything. I will admit that Apples OSX has impressed me — its actually capable of running user code natively, aside from IDEs. The biggt downfall is their planned obselesnce, lack of compatibility, and price. Plus — who want a Mac book that only has about 2 side ports? Who wants to carry adapters and splitters for everything? OSx is just user friendly enough to attract the attention of the basic user, while being a foolish choice to those who know what theyre doing. Hardware aside, Apple did okay on Mac OS. Its usable. The same cant be said for iOS. iOS fails to deliver in almost every important aspect. iPhones are expensive, incompatible, breakable, unservicable, hyper simplified, and they lack the basic hardware every mobile device should have — SD Card, Audio Jack, and a Serviceable Battery. They essentially block the user out of everything but social media and the App store. And needless to say, developing for iOS is a deh sentence. $99 /mo for each app on the app store — opposed to $25 one time on Google Play Their specs dont compare to competing Android models, who have been outperforming iPhone for years. The Galaxy s10 dtroys the iPhone XR with camera quality, MP, RAM, screen resolution, processing speed, hardware compatibility, almost double battery life, and removable storage. iOS really just cant compare. So, if youre someone who really doesnt care what youre running and you just wanna watch YouTube or browse Facebook, use Windows for the price and repair advantages. It wont fail you as long as you dont go around downloading viruses. And, if youre someone who knows what youre doing,
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