Macbook Pro Mid 2012 SSD Upgrade: Swapping out for a bigger SSD in the optical bay.

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I do not get paid for any product endorsements at the time of uploading, The thoughts expressed here are just my own bias after using these products.

This video covers upgrading a 1TB SSD Disk drive to a 2 TB SSD. Basically I was running out of room and this 2012 MacBook Pro allows you to swap out 2.5 inch Sata drives.
Of note, the optical bay drive is the one that had the Mac OS on it, not the usual internal drive.

I had already cloned the new crucial drive using Super Duper:
It cost around $28 and makes it very easy to clone a drive.

You will find a great tutorial for this on
My laptop already had the optical bay removed using the Data Doubler frame. You can find a tutorial for optical bay swap out for a second internal drive on the fixit site also.

For a much better and professional video re the Data Doubler, see here:

Please don't use this video as authoritive tutorial. Treat it just to round out your knowledge and see what it's really going to look like when you get going.

This video starts just after successfully testing the clone and now I had to pull the clone out, secure it to the Data Doubler frame and then secure the rest of the connections and close the mac back up.

If you found it helpful, please give it a like. Lastly it was late at night when I decided to record this video so please forgive me for any late night tardiness!

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