MacBook Air 2017 SSD hard drive upgrade! (English)

119 Просмотры
Sorry about how fast I made the software installation, but you can pause the video whenever you need it. In the software installation you need to do this steps.

1. Press power and keep hold the following keys option+command+R until you see the little world rotating

2. Connect to your wifi and let it load.

3. After it finished loading open disk utility.

4. Select the new hard drive in the left top corner normally apearse as untitled, click erase and don’t change any options, let it finish erasing.

5. Close disk utility and the select install macOS software, you will see the formatted disk ready for installation select it, agree to terms and conditions and follow the steps on the screen the rest it does it by itself.

I hope this video help you and please don’t forget to subscribe.
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