iPhone SE 5-Fingers + Handcam (CoDM)

118 Просмотры
Handcam, on which you see the game on SE (2016) in 5 fingers, it was one of the most difficult videos, it was difficult to get used to

My GFX: https://vk.com/checkpa1n
My social networks:
Vk: https://vk.com/gleek

My official page on Vk: https://vk.com/

My Discord: Gleek#9060

Discord server I work for (check players for cheats) Award Tournament: https://discord.gg/GXd77NN7d8

My friend's clan in CoDM: https://discord.gg/KTSWvz3yDH

My friends channels:
Awp_Drocher - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-wuWIJ0iWBNcFt9M_Di_2g
Yanehz - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0kztwyqy6-XT3-1cp5EjZQ

I have no rights to the music in the video
Link on music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4imt3kVynA&feature=share
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