iPhone SE 2020 FULL Camera Test! BETTER than the Specs?

189 Просмотры
The iPhone SE 2020 has just released, and an area where Apple have historically cheaped-out on when making budget phones is the camera. Today I decided to do a full camera test, and find out if it's better than the specs...

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While these videos are completely free for you to watch, they take a considerable amount of time for me to make, so I'd be very grateful if you used my Amazon Affiliate link. (It doesn't cost you a penny lol): https://amzn.to/2z0jsoG

Music from Epidemic Sound
Watch in 4K

My equipment:
Camera: Panasonic GH5
Lenses: Canon 17-40L, Panasonic 12-60, Helios 44-2
Microphone: Blue Yeti, Rode VideoMic
Computer: 2017 27 - inch 5K iMac
Editing software: Final Cut Pro X/Premiere Pro CC
Music software: Logic Pro X with Omnisphere

Video uploaded by and full rights belong to BubVisuals
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