iPhone IOS 14 vs Android | IOS 14 Beta vs Android 10

104 Просмотры
In this video, I am going to compare ios 14 features with android operating software. Most of the features are same or say copied from android os but let's see what are these features and when actually android introduced those features in its operating system. Let's find out, this video is knowledgable and futuristic... For both android fanboys and IOS fanboys. #IOS14 #Android11 #IOSVSANDROID

Time Stamps
00:00 Intro
00:30 Face Unlock
00:56 Portrait mode
01:35 Widgets on Home Screen
01:46 Smart Stack
02:05 App Library
02:45 Improved Search
03:05 Picture in Picture mode (PIP)
03:33 Compact Assistant
03:48 Compact calls
04:01 Emoji Search
04:20 Back Tap
05:15 Change default Mail and Safari
05:37 Apple Maps
06:15 Apple Guides
06:57 Apple Music
07:35 Apple Translate
07:51 AirPods Automatic switching
08:15 Sms Filters
08:39 Voice memos
09:27 App Clips
10:21 Photos
11:12 Camera
12:22 Browser
13:00 App privacy

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