iPhone 6s vs iPhone 12 Pro Max pubg player | should you buy iPhone 6s in 2021 for Pubg (gaming ).

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iPhone 6s vs iPhone 12 Pro Max

In this video is use iPhone 6s to play pubg and my opponent use iPhone 12 Pro Max .
I got only 30 FPS and he got constant 60 FPS .

Poor gamer vs rich gamer

Low end vs high end device


#pubg #pubgmobile #bgmi #pubgmobileindia #iphone6s #pubginiphone #iphone6sin2021 #2021
#iphone12promax #gaming #mythicfashion #noob #proplayer #device #richpubgplayers #viral #trending #1millionviews #iphonegaming #gamingiphone #Tdm #teamdeathmatch #speedtest #filmmaking #editing #gamingmontanges #montanges #art #artist #asusrogphone #gamingphone #crazygamera #mortal #dynmo #daringdonut #dslrfame #Daringdonut
iphone AppStore iPhone 12
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