iPhone 12 Top 5 MUST BUY Accessories

103 Просмотры
The LG XBOOM Go PL7 is the perfect speaker to pair with your phone and looks how it sounds: premium! It's one of my favorite phone accessories. Learn more about the LG XBOOM Go PL7 https://bit.ly/3fou70s
Apple's iPhone 12 is one of my favorite phones of the years, but the iPhone really shines when you pair it with great accessories. Check out my top accessories list that can take your iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro, or iPhone 12 Pro Max to the next level!

LG XBOOM Go PL7: https://bit.ly/3fou70s
iPhone Leather Wallet with MagSafe: https://www.apple.com/
Nomad Base Station Pro: https://amzn.to/2J1LyI1
AUKEY 100W Charger: https://amzn.to/3pWdH4j
Backbone One: https://playbackbone.com/

MY GEAR: https://kit.co/JonRettinger/youtube-gear-2020
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Our Motion and Final Cut Pro X templates: https://www.motionvfx.com/

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Apple Watch
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