iPhone 12 Pro Pacific Blue Unboxing | Hands on, First Impressions and My Thoughts + Camera Test

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#iphone12prounboxing #firstimressions #iphone12prohandson

Today I'm unboxing the iPhone 12 Pro in Pacific Blue, doing a hands on and giving you guys my first impressions and thoughts. Sorry for the delay guys i had lots of filming to do and got my iPhones late Friday evening so been hard at work over the weekend getting the best shots for you all. I actually filmed this entire video on the iPhone 12 I unboxed yesterday so if you're curios as to how the cameras on the iPhone 12 with dolby vision work well now you know :D. Hope you all enjoy this one guys and if you do drop a like, comment down below with whatever you'd like to say and make sure you subscribe to the channel for more videos! Take care and I'll see you all in the next one!

iphone AppStore iPhone 12
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