iPhone 12 Pro Max Unboxing- Early Christmas Present From Me To Me | Vlogmas Day 14

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iPhone 12 Pro Max Unboxing- Early Christmas Present From Me To Me | Vlogmas Day 14

♡ What's this video about? ♡

Welcome to our first ever VLOGMAS!

Please enjoy the unboxing of the iPhone 12 Pro Max which is an early Christmas present from me (Laura) to me- Happy Vlogmas Day 14!

We can't wait to get to know you guys more as we get closer to Christmas so stay tuned for more festive Vlogs this month and comment down below any Vlogs you would like to see (:

Oh, and don't forget to like & subscribe & if you have any questions or just want to chat, drop us a comment because we reply to every single comment and we love to talk to all of you!

Love always,

Laura and Anna


S u b s c r i b e -- https://www.youtube.com/twinsworldtra...
T w i n I n s t a g r a m -- https://www.instagram.com/perrytwins_...
Laura's I n s t a g r a m -- https://www.instagram.com/lauranicole...
Anna's I n s t a g r a m -- https://www.instagram.com/annagrace_x/


IN THIS VIDEO: iPhone 12 pro max, graphite, 256 gb
PHONE CASE: shorturl.at/zABOT


For Business Enquiries, E M A I L us at -- [email protected]


F A Q 'S
□ How old are you? __ 25
□ Are you identical twins? __ Yes, and we LOVE it!
□ What are your favourite hobbies? __ Travel
□ Do you have any differences? __ Yes, watch to find out (:
□ Where do you live? __ England!
□ What do you edit your vids on? __ Adobe Premier Pro
iphone AppStore iPhone 12
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