iPhone 12 Pro Max & AirPods Pro | Unboxing

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Hello to my very 1st unboxing content. Literally just unboxing for now. Lol

Here’s a little bit information:

I bought my iPhone (gold - 512gb.) for $1,378.61 that’s with tax. I got my military discount that’s why it’s a bit cheaper. Original price would’ve been $1,531.91.

I also bought my AirPods for $198.00 flat. Also discounted, with no tax. I bought it from www.shopmyexchange.com. I’m not too sure if you can purchase it online with no military ID, but usually if you want to purchase it at the store, you would need the military ID even just to get in. It’s exclusively for military (army, navy, airforce, etc.) and their families. If I bought it at the Apple store, with my military discount, it would have been $245.28. AirPods original price with tax, without discount is $272.66. Big difference, discount wise. It was cheaper for me to purchase it at shopmyexhange. Lol

If you guys need anything to purchase and discounted gadgets, let me know, I will hook you guys up. I’m more than happy to help you all and share my blessings while my hubby is still in service.
iphone AppStore iPhone 12
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