iPhone 12 Packaging, Updated Pricing & 6GB RAM! MacBook Air To Be Discontinued...

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Some great news and terrible news for the iPhone 12! 6GB RAM, leaked packaging, 120Hz display update and 20W charger. Plus, Apple is discontinuing the MacBook Air. And the new iMac will have a display larger than 30 inches!!!

iOS 14 beta 3 features:
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Thumbnail image via PhoneArena: https://www.phonearena.com
iPhone 12 packaging: https://appletrack.org/first-look-at-potential-iphone-12-packaging/
iPhone 12 pricing: https://appletrack.org/iphone-12-may-start-at-50-more-than-iphone-11/
iPhone 12 120Hz display update: https://appletrack.org/iphone-12-120hz-promotion-evidence-ios-14/
iPhone 12 RAM: https://appletrack.org/iphone-12-pro-to-have-6gb-ram/
MacBook Air discontinuation: https://appletrack.org/apple-to-discontinue-macbook-air-macbook-may-return/
Redesigned 30+ inch iMac: https://appletrack.org/redesigned-imac-may-feature-larger-30-32-display-slimmer-bezels/

0:00 Intro
0:44 iPhone 12 packaging leaked
1:47 Higher iPhone 12 pricing
3:00 New 20W add-on charger
4:03 120Hz display update
5:25 iPhone 12 RAM upgrade
6:36 MacBook Air discontinuation
8:04 iMac 30+ inch display

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