iPhone 12 Mini vs iPhone 12 Pro Max PUBG Gaming Test Comparison | fps temperature and battery life

150 Просмотры
PUBG gaming comparison between iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Both are set to same HDR + 60fps
Is iPhone 12 Mini a bad choice for PUBG gaming? Should you avoid it if you are a mobile gamer?
Watch to find out!

I'll show you real time fps meter, and a full fps/power/temperature record comparison at the end of the video, watch until the end, don't miss it!

00:00 Introduction
00:00:44 Graphics Settings
00:01:12 Game Starts
00:01:55 10 Minutes Into Game
00:02:30 20 Minutes Into Game
00:03:00 Performance Analysis
00:03:16 Battery Life Analysis
00:04:04 Temperature/Heat Analysis
iphone AppStore iPhone 12
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