iPhone 12 and 12 Mini Now

38 Просмотры
iPhone 12 and 12 Mini Now! Hello all and welcome to my Post iPhone 13 Apple iPhone 12 update video. In this video I will discuss the current state of Apple iPhone 12 and Apple iPhone 12 Mini now with there new price reductions and if they are worth picking up considering the savings! If you have the iPhone 12 or 12 Mini or plan on getting this or iPhone 13 share your thoughts with the community down below in the comment section!
As always, thank you for watching and be sure to well and peace.

#iPhone12 #iPhone12Mini #Apple #iPhone13 #iPhone13Mini #technology

Check out related content here:

iPhone 13 event reactions:

iPhone 12 Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_HYy4Ht7yY&t=785s

iPhone 12 Mini review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8Xb6d2JGY8&t=53s

Pick up either phone here:

iPhone 12: https://amzn.to/3kfHTqi

iPhone 12 Mini: https://amzn.to/3Em4Dgl

As always, thank you for watching and be sure to well and peace.


iphone AppStore iPhone 12
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