iPhone 12 - An Android FanBoy Review: 7 Months Later [ iOS 15 ] || Should you Buy or Wait?

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iPhone 12 has been out for over seven months and finally I have it & here I share my experience with the best selling iPhone 12 model. We're talking about the same with iOS 15 installed so yaa that's something new. I was and still am an Android User so this video talks about what I truly feel about an iPhone and how well did my "Android to iOS" switch was. These are my personal opinions so try watching it via the same perspective.

#iphone12 #iOS15 #iphonelatest #iphonevideo

We’re also doing a weekly series on Best Android Apps, Games, Tips & Tricks, Wallpapers and Ring and Notification Tones on every Saturdays so if you want to check the same here are the links:
Last Episode LDTS-17: https://youtu.be/-loGrh5EgCY
LDTS-16: https://youtu.be/Ad0Luda1U2E
LDTS-15: https://youtu.be/o9jgoVHNyGY
LDTS-14: https://youtu.be/rEVg0Hbs19I
Watch the rest below
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