iPhone 11 Pro Max Review - 1 Year Later

165 Просмотры
iPhone 11 Pro Max Review - 1 Year Later

It's been a year already?! #iPhone #Review #OneYearLater

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Some link below for you that I use and love!
My Current iPhone case - https://amzn.to/2Y7Lz2I
My Current Camera - https://amzn.to/2VTOau8
My Current iPhone charger - https://amzn.to/2KCjsR7
My Current Screen Protector - https://amzn.to/2KBOLLZ

Atomic Habits - https://amzn.to/3eT2QT9
You Are A Badass - https://amzn.to/2S8fVOw
48 Laws of Power - https://amzn.to/358A0JX
4 hour work week - https://amzn.to/3aHKJvY
The 5th agreement - https://amzn.to/2KBnM31

Hi Dolls, My name is Nancy and I’m a Canadian girl. I love creating content from doing make up to GRWM’s to talk-about-nonsense to lets talk about E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. I’m on here to grow and to build a family that will share ideas together and learn from eachother. I hope we can inspire one another! You’re always welcome to join our family, I’ll be forever grateful! Love and light babes, XOXO.
iPhone 11 PRO обзор
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