iPhone 11 pro After 10 Months ( Review 2020 ) || iPhone 11 pro Price In Pakistan (2020)

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iPhone 11 pro After 10 Months ( Review 2020 ) || iPhone 11 pro Price In Pakistan (2020)

iPhone 11 pro 64gb kit / 145k
iPhone 11 pro 256gb kit / 155k
iPhone 11 pro 512gb /166k
iPhone 11 pro (New 64gb) 172k

So in this video, I tell u my experience of the iPhone 11 pro after 10 months and iPhone 11 pro price in Pakistan 2020 so should u buy iPhone 11 pro in 2020 let's find out.
So in iPhone 11 pro display is dope nothing to define so let's jump right into iPhone 11 pro performance so in performance I could explain in a way iPhone 11 pro pubg test and in the video u can see iPhone 11 pro pubg test u can play pubg on iPhone 11 pro on highest settings without lagging and frame drops last but not the least iPhone 11 pro cameras in iPhone 11 pro u got 3 cameras and three of them hold 12MP U can take excellent images on iPhone 11 pro in every condition but if we talk about night mode then yeah I can say Samsung galaxy s10 plus has better night mode than iPhone 11 pro but accept night mode other cameras are pretty good and apple to take great photos for u shoutout to iPhone 11 pro potrait mode ):

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