iPhone 11, 12 Discontinue? iPhone 12, 11 Price Drops After iPhone 13? (QNA) HINDI

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iPhone 11, 12 Discontinue? iPhone 12, 11 Price Drops After iPhone 13? (QNA) HINDI

Hello, Welcome to Another QNA Video on My channel. In this video, I have answered many of the important and common questions and have also categorized some general questions asked by you.

Watch this video to the full, so you don't miss any information and question.
Introduction- 00:00
New iPhone 11 or Used iPhone 12?- 00:38
iPhone 11 128GB or iPhone 12 64GB- 01:10
Will I Buy iPhone 13?- 01:41
iPhone 13 Battery Life?- 02:03
Serial Number Change After Repair?- 03:05
iPhone 11 or iPhone 12 Mini?- 03:36
Original Accessories Alternatives?- 04:20
MacBook M1 or Wait for M2?- 04:49
First Time iOS Experience?- 05:28
Problems in Android to iOS?- 05:51
Buying Realme Pad For Review?- 06:14
iPhone Maintenance Costly?- 06:28

Some General Questions Regarding iPhones:
iPhone 11 Price Drop - 06:58
iPhone 11 Discontinue?- 07:26
iPhone 12 Discontinue?- 07:36
iPhone 12 Price Drop- 07:55


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Other iPhone Related Videos:

iPhone 11 vs iPhone 12 Full Comparison: https://youtu.be/NmNEPb_GKI0

OnePlus Nord 2 vs iPhone XR Comparison: https://youtu.be/QV_aigOqakQ

iPhone 11 vs OnePlus Nord 2 Camera Test: https://youtu.be/3pJwNttbTu4

OnePlus Nord 2 vs iPhone XR Speed Test: https://youtu.be/Pm7An_sDCx8

OnePlus Nord 2 vs iPhone 11 Speed Test: https://youtu.be/JrZRj0AQqUA

OnePlus Nord 2 vs S20 FE 5G Camera: https://youtu.be/ZeZBDbP-uzA
Some Important Videos:--
14 Hidden iPhone Tips & Tricks: https://youtu.be/OrPHOXOtddE

12 Hidden iPhone Tips & Tricks: https://youtu.be/-eeg7UWlYMo

iOS Hidden Security Features : https://youtu.be/wJk_eJ6fajE

How To Maintain iPhone Battery Health- https://youtu.be/Bb-_XoU_FCE

Why iPhone Battery Health Drops So Fast- https://youtu.be/YTxfru_B7rA

10 Best Apps For iPhone in 2021- https://youtu.be/Kwfh9Et2-Jk

11 Tips To Improve Battery Life- https://youtu.be/I7rCcnCOmN4

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Thanks for watching!
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